Quick Review: Is It Worth It?

Absolutely! Tirta Gangga Temple is one of Bali’s hidden gems, offering a serene and picturesque environment that captivates visitors. The temple complex is renowned for its lush gardens, intricate sculptures, and tranquil water features. Whether you’re interested in exploring Balinese culture, enjoying nature, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Tirta Gangga is well worth the visit.

The highlight of the temple is the series of tiered fountains, clear pools, and stone carvings that adorn the landscape. The sacred spring that feeds the water features is believed to have healing properties, adding a spiritual dimension to the experience. The combination of natural beauty and cultural richness makes Tirta Gangga a memorable destination for tourists and spiritual seekers alike.

How To Get There?

By Car: Renting a car with a driver is the most comfortable and flexible way to reach Tirta Gangga. This allows you to travel at your own pace and make stops along the way. The drive from Denpasar takes about 2 hours, depending on traffic. The route is quite scenic, passing through lush rice paddies, traditional villages, and beautiful landscapes.

By Scooter: For those who are more adventurous and familiar with riding scooters, this can be a fun way to travel. Scooters can be rented from various places in Bali, and the journey provides a more immersive experience of the local surroundings. However, be sure to have an international driving permit and wear a helmet.

By Public Transport: Public transportation options include local buses and bemos (shared minivans). However, these are less frequent and may not be the most convenient option, especially if you are on a tight schedule. If you opt for public transport, be prepared for a more extended and potentially less comfortable journey.

By Tour: Many tour operators offer day trips to Tirta Gangga, often bundled with other attractions such as Lempuyang Temple and Taman Ujung. These tours usually include transportation, a guide, and sometimes meals, providing a hassle-free way to explore the region.

How Much Does It Cost?

Entrance Fee: The entrance fee to Tirta Gangga Temple is around IDR 40,000 (approximately USD 2.70) for adults and IDR 20,000 (approximately USD 1.35) for children. This fee grants you access to the entire complex, including the gardens, fountains, and pools.

Additional Costs: If you want to swim in the sacred pools, there is an additional fee of IDR 10,000 (approximately USD 0.70). The swimming experience is highly recommended as the pools are fed by natural springs and are incredibly refreshing, especially on a hot day.

Parking Fee: If you are driving, there is a small parking fee of IDR 5,000 (approximately USD 0.35) for cars and IDR 2,000 (approximately USD 0.15) for scooters.

What To Expect

Beautiful Gardens: The gardens at Tirta Gangga are meticulously maintained and feature a diverse array of tropical plants, flowers, and trees. Pathways meander through the gardens, leading visitors past ornate statues, stepping stones, and tranquil ponds. The vibrant colors and lush greenery create a peaceful and inviting atmosphere, perfect for leisurely exploration.

Sacred Water Pools: The highlight of Tirta Gangga is its sacred water pools, which are fed by a natural spring believed to have purifying properties. There are three main pools where visitors can swim or wade, surrounded by beautifully carved statues and fountains. The water is cool and clear, providing a refreshing break from the tropical heat.

Stunning Architecture: The architecture at Tirta Gangga is a blend of Balinese and European styles, reflecting the diverse influences on the region’s cultural heritage. Intricate carvings adorn the stone structures, and majestic gateways frame the entrance to the complex. The combination of water features and architectural elements creates a visually stunning environment.

Peaceful Atmosphere: Despite its popularity, Tirta Gangga retains a calm and serene atmosphere. The sound of flowing water and the chirping of birds add to the tranquil ambiance, making it an ideal place for meditation or quiet reflection. The temple’s layout encourages exploration at a leisurely pace, allowing visitors to fully appreciate its beauty and serenity.

More About The Temple

Historical Significance: Tirta Gangga was built in 1946 by the last King of Karangasem, Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem. The temple complex was designed to serve as a place of worship and relaxation for the royal family. The name “Tirta Gangga” means “Water of the Ganges,” highlighting the sacredness of the water used in the temple.

Cultural Activities: The temple is still actively used for religious ceremonies and rituals. Visitors may have the opportunity to witness traditional Balinese offerings and prayers, gaining a deeper understanding of local customs and spiritual practices. Participating in or observing these rituals provides a unique cultural experience.

Local Legends: According to local legend, the waters of Tirta Gangga have miraculous healing powers. It is said that those who bathe in the pools will be blessed with good health and fortune. This belief attracts not only tourists but also locals who come to seek blessings and purification.

Lempuyang Temple to Tirta Gangga

Distance and Travel Time: The journey from Lempuyang Temple to Tirta Gangga covers approximately 14 kilometers and takes around 30-45 minutes by car or scooter. The route is well-marked and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside, including terraced rice fields and Mount Agung.

Scenic Drive: The drive between these two sites is one of the highlights of exploring East Bali. The road winds through lush landscapes, offering panoramic views and numerous photo opportunities. Be sure to stop at some of the scenic viewpoints along the way to capture the beauty of the region.

Tirta Gangga to Lempuyang Temple

Reverse Route: Traveling from Tirta Gangga to Lempuyang Temple follows the same scenic route in reverse. The proximity of these two attractions makes it convenient to visit both in a single day. Many visitors choose to start their day early at Lempuyang Temple to avoid the crowds and then head to Tirta Gangga for a relaxing afternoon.

Combination Tours: Many tour operators offer combination tours that include both Tirta Gangga and Lempuyang Temple, along with other nearby attractions. These tours provide a comprehensive experience of East Bali’s cultural and natural highlights, often including transportation, guides, and meals.

Tirta Gangga Royal Water Garden

Landscape Design: The Royal Water Garden at Tirta Gangga is a masterpiece of landscape architecture. The garden features a series of tiered fountains, stone carvings, and lush greenery. The layout is designed to reflect the harmony between humans and nature, with elements that symbolize balance and tranquility.

Historical Background: The garden was designed and constructed under the direction of the King of Karangasem in the mid-20th century. It was intended as a place of relaxation and reflection for the royal family, as well as a showcase of Balinese artistry and craftsmanship.

Activities and Amenities: Visitors can stroll through the garden, relax by the ponds, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance. There are several pavilions and seating areas where you can rest and take in the views. The garden also features a small café and souvenir shop.

Tirta Gangga Water Palace

Architectural Beauty: The Water Palace at Tirta Gangga is renowned for its striking beauty and serene ambiance. The palace incorporates elements of Balinese and European architecture, creating a unique and harmonious aesthetic. The main attractions include the stepping stones across the water, where visitors can walk amidst the ponds filled with colorful koi fish.

Fountains and Statues: The palace grounds are adorned with numerous statues and fountains, each with its own symbolic meaning. The central fountain is particularly impressive, with multiple tiers and water spouts creating a mesmerizing display.

Photographic Opportunities: The Water Palace offers countless opportunities for photography, with its picturesque landscapes, ornate statues, and reflective water surfaces. Early morning or late afternoon light provides the best conditions for capturing the beauty of the site.

Tirta Gangga Magical Water Palace

Enchanting Atmosphere: Often referred to as the Magical Water Palace, Tirta Gangga lives up to its name with its enchanting atmosphere and captivating beauty. The combination of water, art, and nature creates a magical setting that feels like a step into another world.

Swimming Experience: One of the unique aspects of Tirta Gangga is the opportunity to swim in the sacred pools. The cool, clear water is incredibly refreshing, and swimming amidst the historical statues and structures is a unique experience that adds to the magic of the place.

Spiritual Connection: For many visitors, the water palace offers a spiritual connection, providing a sense of peace and tranquility that is hard to find elsewhere. Whether you are exploring the gardens, swimming in the sacred pools, or simply soaking in the views, the

magic of Tirta Gangga is undeniable.

Visiting Tirta Gangga is a journey into the heart of Bali’s cultural and natural splendor. From its historical significance to its breathtaking beauty, this temple complex offers an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking both adventure and tranquility.

Nearby Attractions

Lempuyang Temple: Also known as Pura Lempuyang Luhur, this temple is one of the oldest and most highly regarded temples in Bali. It’s famous for its “Gates of Heaven,” where visitors can take stunning photos with the backdrop of Mount Agung. The temple complex consists of several temples spread along a scenic hiking trail. The journey to the top offers breathtaking views and a glimpse into Balinese spirituality.

Taman Ujung: Located near Tirta Gangga, Taman Ujung Water Palace is another royal water garden that showcases the grandeur of Balinese architecture and landscaping. The palace features large ponds, elegant pavilions, and scenic bridges, making it a perfect spot for photography and leisurely walks.

Virgin Beach (Pasir Putih): A short drive from Tirta Gangga, Virgin Beach is a pristine, less-crowded beach with soft white sand and crystal-clear waters. It’s an ideal place to relax, swim, and enjoy the natural beauty of Bali’s coastline.

Best Time to Visit

Dry Season (April to October): The best time to visit Tirta Gangga is during the dry season, when the weather is warm and sunny, and the gardens are in full bloom. The clear skies also provide excellent lighting for photography.

Early Morning or Late Afternoon: To avoid the crowds and experience the temple at its most peaceful, visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon. These times also offer the best light for photography, especially for capturing the reflection of the water features.

Special Events and Festivals: Visiting during a local festival or religious ceremony can provide a unique cultural experience. However, it’s important to be respectful of the rituals and follow any guidelines provided by the temple staff.

Tips for Visiting

Dress Modestly: As a place of worship, it’s important to dress modestly when visiting Tirta Gangga. Sarongs and sashes are available at the entrance for those who need them. Covering your shoulders and knees is a sign of respect for the local culture and religious practices.

Stay Hydrated: The tropical climate can be quite hot, so it’s important to stay hydrated. Bring a reusable water bottle and refill it at designated areas to avoid contributing to plastic waste.

Photography Etiquette: While the temple and gardens provide excellent photo opportunities, be mindful of other visitors and worshippers. Avoid using flash photography during ceremonies and respect any areas that are marked as off-limits.

Guided Tours: Consider hiring a local guide to enhance your visit. Guides can provide valuable insights into the history, architecture, and cultural significance of the temple, making your experience more enriching.

Local Cuisine: After exploring the temple, enjoy a meal at one of the nearby restaurants or warungs. Balinese cuisine is known for its rich flavors and fresh ingredients, and trying local dishes can be a delightful part of your visit.

Accommodation Options

Luxury Resorts: For those seeking a luxurious stay, there are several high-end resorts in the area that offer stunning views, premium amenities, and excellent service. Some popular options include The Chedi Club Tanah Gajah and Amankila.

Mid-Range Hotels: If you’re looking for comfortable accommodation at a reasonable price, there are numerous mid-range hotels and guesthouses near Tirta Gangga. These establishments often offer cozy rooms, beautiful gardens, and friendly service.

Budget Hostels: Backpackers and budget travelers can find affordable hostels and homestays in the surrounding area. These accommodations provide basic amenities and a chance to interact with fellow travelers.

Personal Experiences

Traveler Reviews: Many visitors to Tirta Gangga share positive experiences and rave about the beauty and tranquility of the site. Common themes in reviews include the stunning gardens, refreshing swimming pools, and the peaceful atmosphere. Some travelers highlight the friendly local guides and the rich cultural insights they provide.

Unique Memories: Visitors often recount memorable moments such as walking on the stepping stones across the water, witnessing a traditional Balinese ceremony, or simply relaxing in the serene surroundings. The combination of natural beauty and cultural significance makes Tirta Gangga a standout destination in Bali.


Tirta Gangga Temple is a captivating destination that offers a blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and spiritual tranquility. From its beautifully landscaped gardens and sacred water pools to its intricate architecture and historical significance, every aspect of Tirta Gangga invites visitors to explore, relax, and reflect. Whether you’re an avid photographer, a cultural enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful retreat, Tirta Gangga promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of Bali.

Exploring nearby attractions like Lempuyang Temple and Taman Ujung enhances the journey, providing a comprehensive view of East Bali’s cultural and natural treasures. With thoughtful planning and respect for local customs, your visit to Tirta Gangga will be a highlight of your time in Bali.


Q: Is Tirta Gangga suitable for children?
A: Yes, the temple and gardens are family-friendly. Children will enjoy exploring the gardens, walking on the stepping stones, and swimming in the pools. However, parents should supervise younger children, especially around water features.

Q: Can I swim in all the pools at Tirta Gangga?
A: Swimming is allowed in specific pools that are designated for visitors. Be sure to follow any posted signs and guidelines to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience.

Q: What should I bring for a visit to Tirta Gangga?
A: Bring comfortable clothing, a sarong for temple entry, swimwear if you plan to swim, a reusable water bottle, and a camera for capturing the stunning scenery. Sunscreen and a hat are also recommended to protect against the sun.

Q: Are there any restaurants or cafes near Tirta Gangga?
A: Yes, there are several restaurants and cafes near the temple where you can enjoy local Balinese cuisine and refreshments. These establishments often offer beautiful views and a relaxing atmosphere.

Q: How much time should I allocate for visiting Tirta Gangga?
A: Plan to spend at least 2-3 hours exploring the temple complex and gardens. If you also plan to swim or visit nearby attractions, allow for additional time to fully enjoy your visit.