Rent a Bicycle in Bali

Bicycle Rental in Bali: A Comprehensive Guide

Bali, the Island of the Gods, offers a perfect backdrop for cycling adventures. The island’s diverse landscapes, from verdant rice terraces to pristine beaches, provide a cyclist’s dream terrain. Renting a bicycle in Bali allows you to experience the island intimately, giving you the freedom to explore at your own pace. This guide covers everything you need to know about bicycle rentals in Bali, including where to rent, the best routes, and essential tips for a memorable and safe cycling journey.

Why Rent a Bicycle in Bali?

Cycling is an eco-friendly and healthy way to explore Bali. It allows you to connect with the island’s natural beauty and local culture. Imagine pedaling through serene rice paddies, alongside beautiful coastlines, and through quaint villages where the locals greet you with warm smiles. I remember my first cycling adventure in Bali, where each pedal stroke felt like a journey into a painting. The lush landscapes and friendly encounters made it an unforgettable experience.

Can You Cycle Around Bali?

Yes, you can definitely cycle around Bali! Cycling is a fantastic way to explore the island, offering a unique perspective that you won’t get from a car or motorbike. Bali’s diverse landscapes provide an array of cycling experiences, from coastal roads to mountain trails.

Rent a Bicycle in Bali

Can You bicycle Around Ubud?

Cycling around Ubud is not only possible but highly recommended for those looking to experience the heart of Bali. Ubud is renowned for its lush landscapes, cultural landmarks, and serene atmosphere, making it an ideal destination for cyclists of all levels.

Scenic Routes

One of the most popular cycling routes in Ubud is through the Tegallalang Rice Terraces. This 20 km round trip offers breathtaking views of terraced fields and traditional villages. The route is relatively easy and suitable for beginners, with plenty of spots to stop and take in the scenery.

Another beautiful ride is the Campuhan Ridge Walk. Although it’s primarily a walking trail, many cyclists enjoy the peaceful ride along the ridge, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding valleys. The trail is about 9 km and is perfect for a leisurely morning or evening ride.

Cultural and Historical Sites

Cycling allows you to explore Ubud’s numerous cultural and historical sites at your own pace. Visit the famous Ubud Monkey Forest, a sanctuary home to hundreds of long-tailed macaques. Nearby, the Saraswati Temple, with its stunning lotus pond, is a peaceful stop for rest and reflection.

Practical Considerations

When cycling in Ubud, it’s important to be prepared for varying terrain. While many routes are relatively flat, some can be hilly and require a good level of fitness. Always carry plenty of water and wear sunscreen to protect against the tropical sun.

Traffic in Ubud can be busy, especially in the town center. Be cautious and aware of motorbikes and cars, particularly on narrow roads. Early mornings are the best time to cycle to avoid the heat and traffic.

Renting Bicycles

Bicycle rentals are readily available in Ubud. Shops like Bali Eco Cycling and Ubud Bike Rental offer a range of bicycles, from mountain bikes to city cruisers. Prices are typically around IDR 50,000 per day, with discounts for longer rentals. Many rental shops also offer guided tours, which can be a great way to explore if you’re unfamiliar with the area.

Guided Tours

For those who prefer a guided experience, several companies offer cycling tours around Ubud. These tours often include visits to local villages, temples, and scenic spots, providing a comprehensive overview of the area. The guides are usually knowledgeable about the local culture and history, adding depth to your cycling adventure.

In summary, cycling around Ubud is a delightful way to experience Bali’s cultural heart. The combination of stunning scenery, cultural landmarks, and friendly locals makes it an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just looking for a leisurely ride, Ubud has something to offer.

Where to Rent a Bicycle


Ubud is a cyclist’s haven. Known for its cultural richness and stunning scenery, Ubud offers numerous bicycle rental shops. Bali Eco Cycling and Ubud Bike Rental are popular options, offering a variety of bikes from mountain bikes to city cruisers. Prices are around IDR 50,000 per day. The town’s blend of art, culture, and nature makes it a perfect starting point for a cycling adventure.


Seminyak, with its urban charm and beachside allure, also has several rental options. Bali Bike Hire and Bali Rides provide well-maintained bicycles suitable for exploring the bustling town and nearby beaches. These shops cater to both short-term and long-term rentals, making it convenient for tourists staying in the area.


Sanur’s calm coastal vibe makes it ideal for leisurely rides. Sanur Cycle Tours and Bali on Bike offer rentals and guided tours, making it easy to explore this peaceful side of Bali. The coastal paths are perfect for beginners and provide a scenic route along the shoreline.

Types of Bicycles Available

  • Mountain Bikes: Ideal for off-road trails and hilly terrains. They are perfect for exploring Bali’s rugged landscapes.
  • City Bikes: Great for casual rides around towns and coastal areas. These bikes are comfortable and easy to handle.
  • Electric Bikes: Provide extra assistance for longer rides or steeper routes. They are a good option if you want to explore more without getting too tired.

Best Cycling Routes in Bali

Ubud Rice Terraces

One of the most picturesque routes is through the Ubud rice terraces. Starting from central Ubud, head towards Tegallalang. This route is approximately 20 km round trip and offers breathtaking views of terraced fields and traditional villages. The tranquility and beauty of this area make it a must-visit for any cyclist. I still recall the awe-inspiring sight of endless green fields stretching to the horizon during my first ride here.

Jatiluwih Rice Fields

For a more challenging ride, head to the Jatiluwih rice fields, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The area offers several routes, with varying levels of difficulty. The views of the expansive rice terraces are simply stunning. Cycling here feels like stepping back in time, surrounded by an unspoiled, tranquil landscape.

Sanur to Nusa Dua Coastal Route

This easy 15 km ride along the southeast coast is perfect for beginners. You’ll pass beautiful beaches and quaint fishing villages, with plenty of spots to stop for a swim or a snack. I took this route early one morning, and the peacefulness of the coastal scenery was a perfect start to the day. The gentle breeze and the sound of the waves made it an unforgettable ride.

Tips for Cycling in Bali

  • Safety First: Always wear a helmet and ensure your bike is in good condition before setting off. Check the brakes, tires, and gears.
  • Stay Hydrated: Bali’s tropical climate can be hot and humid. Carry plenty of water and take regular breaks.
  • Respect Local Traffic: Balinese roads can be busy and chaotic. Stay alert, follow traffic rules, and be mindful of motorbikes.
  • Dress Appropriately: Wear comfortable, breathable clothing and sunscreen to protect against the sun.
  • Plan Your Route: Use maps or GPS to plan your route and avoid getting lost. Some areas have poor signage, so it’s good to know where you’re going in advance.

Popular Bicycle Tours in Bali

Bali Eco Cycling Tour

This tour takes you through local villages, rice paddies, and temples. It includes a visit to a traditional Balinese home and a delicious lunch. The guide’s knowledge and passion for Balinese culture made this tour an unforgettable experience. I joined this tour with some friends, and the blend of cycling and cultural immersion was perfect.

Ubud Cycling Tour

Explore the cultural hub of Ubud with a guided tour that covers key attractions like the Ubud Monkey Forest, Tegallalang Rice Terraces, and local markets. I joined this tour on a whim, and it turned out to be a fantastic way to see Ubud’s highlights in a day. The guide’s stories and insights added depth to the experience.

Sanur Sunrise Cycling Tour

Start your day with a sunrise ride along Sanur’s beach path. This tour is perfect for early birds and includes breakfast at a beachfront cafe. There’s something incredibly serene about watching the sunrise over the ocean while cycling along the quiet beach paths. I did this tour during my last visit to Bali, and the combination of the fresh morning air and the stunning views was invigorating.

Renting a Bicycle: What to Expect

When renting a bike in Bali, most shops will require you to leave a form of ID, such as your passport or a photocopy. Prices can vary, but you can expect to pay around IDR 50,000 to 100,000 per day. Some shops also offer weekly or monthly rates at a discount. Always inspect the bike before renting to ensure it’s in good condition. My first rental experience in Ubud was smooth; the shopkeeper was friendly and even provided a map highlighting the best cycling routes.

Essential Gear and Preparation


Safety is paramount. Always wear a helmet when cycling in Bali. Rental shops usually provide helmets, but you can bring your own for a better fit.

Hydration Packs

A hydration pack or water bottle is essential. Bali’s tropical heat can be intense, so staying hydrated is crucial. I always carry a small hydration pack when cycling, and it makes a huge difference.

Maps and GPS

While exploring, having a map or GPS device can prevent you from getting lost. Some rental shops provide maps, or you can use a smartphone app for navigation.

Cultural Etiquette

Respect Local Customs

When cycling through villages, respect local customs. Dress modestly, especially near temples and religious sites. Always be polite and greet locals with a smile.

Environmental Considerations

Bali’s natural beauty is a treasure. Avoid littering and respect the environment. Stick to designated paths and avoid disturbing wildlife.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them


Bali’s weather can be unpredictable. The dry season (April to October) is ideal for cycling, but occasional rains can occur. Be prepared with a light rain jacket.


Traffic in busy areas like Denpasar and Kuta can be heavy. Plan your routes to avoid peak traffic times and stay cautious.


Bali’s terrain varies from flat coastal roads to steep mountain trails. Choose routes that match your fitness level and cycling experience.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Basic Bike Maintenance

Knowing basic bike maintenance can save you from trouble. Learn how to fix a flat tire, adjust brakes, and lubricate the chain.

Local Support

In case of major issues, local bike shops are usually helpful. They can assist with repairs and provide replacement parts if needed.

Health and Fitness Benefits

Cycling is an excellent way to stay fit while exploring Bali. It strengthens your legs, improves cardiovascular health, and boosts your mood. The combination of physical activity and stunning scenery makes cycling a joyful experience.

Personal Anecdotes

I remember my first long ride in Bali vividly. Starting in Ubud, I cycled towards the Campuhan Ridge Walk. The morning mist was lifting, and the path was bathed in soft sunlight. As I rode, I encountered friendly locals and curious children who waved and cheered. It was a simple yet profound connection with the island and its people.

Community and Culture

Cycling in Bali isn’t just about the scenery; it’s also about the community. Joining local cycling groups or tours can enhance your experience. You’ll meet fellow cyclists, share stories, and discover new routes together.

Eco-Tourism and Sustainability

Choosing to cycle in Bali contributes to sustainable tourism. It reduces your carbon footprint and promotes a healthier way of exploring. Supporting local businesses and eco-friendly tours also helps preserve Bali’s natural and cultural heritage.


Renting a bicycle in Bali offers an unparalleled way to explore the island. From Ubud’s rice terraces to Sanur’s coastal paths, every ride is an adventure. With the tips and routes in this guide, you’re ready for a safe and memorable cycling experience. So, hop on a bike and let Bali reveal its wonders, one pedal stroke at a time.


  1. Is it safe to cycle in Bali?
    Yes, but always wear a helmet, stay hydrated, and be cautious of traffic.
  2. Best time of year to cycle?
    The dry season (April to October) is ideal.
  3. Can I rent for more than one day?
    Yes, with daily, weekly, and monthly rates available
  4. Do I need a guide to cycle in Bali? Not necessary, but guided tours offer valuable insights and ensure you see the best sights.
  5. Are there any cycling restrictions? Generally, you can cycle anywhere, but respect local customs and avoid restricted areas.

Equipment Rentals and Additional Services

Many rental shops in Bali also offer additional services like:

  • Helmets and Safety Gear: Ensure you have all the necessary protective equipment.
  • Child Seats and Trailers: For family-friendly rides, these can be a great option.
  • Bike Locks: Essential for securing your bike when you stop.
  • Maps and GPS Units: Helpful for navigation, especially in less populated areas.

Recommended Itineraries

One-Day Itinerary

Morning: Start in Ubud and cycle through the rice terraces. Enjoy breakfast at a local café overlooking the fields.

Midday: Head towards Tegallalang, taking in the stunning views and visiting local temples.

Afternoon: Return to Ubud and explore the Monkey Forest and local markets.

Three-Day Itinerary

Day 1: Explore Ubud and its surroundings. Visit the Campuhan Ridge Walk and have dinner at a traditional Balinese restaurant.

Day 2: Cycle to Jatiluwih rice fields. Spend the day exploring this UNESCO site and enjoying the natural beauty.

Day 3: Ride along the Sanur to Nusa Dua coastal route. Relax on the beaches and enjoy a seafood lunch by the sea.

Cultural Highlights

Temples and Sacred Sites

Bali is home to numerous temples and sacred sites. While cycling, you can visit:

  • Tirta Empul Temple: Known for its holy spring water.
  • Goa Gajah: The Elephant Cave with its historic carvings.
  • Besakih Temple: The largest and holiest temple in Bali.

Remember to dress modestly and respect the local customs when visiting these sites.

Local Markets

Cycling offers a great opportunity to stop by local markets. These vibrant places are perfect for trying Balinese delicacies, buying souvenirs, and experiencing local life. The Ubud Art Market is a must-visit for unique handicrafts and artwork.

Health and Safety

Cycling in Bali is generally safe, but it’s essential to be prepared. Carry a basic first aid kit and be aware of your surroundings. Familiarize yourself with local emergency numbers and know where the nearest medical facilities are located.

Personal Safety Tips

  • Travel in Groups: If possible, cycle with others. It’s safer and more fun.
  • Avoid Night Rides: Stick to daytime rides to avoid poor visibility and increased traffic risks.
  • Inform Someone: Let someone know your route and estimated return time.

Personal Reflections

Cycling through Bali has been one of the most enriching experiences of my travels. The freedom to explore at my own pace, the friendly locals, and the breathtaking landscapes make it an adventure worth every pedal stroke. Each ride felt like a new chapter in a story, full of unexpected delights and memorable encounters.

Advanced Cycling Routes

For experienced cyclists looking for a challenge, Bali offers several advanced routes:

Kintamani Loop

Starting from Ubud, this route takes you up to Kintamani, offering panoramic views of Mount Batur and its lake. The climb is demanding but rewarding, with stunning vistas and cool mountain air.

East Bali Coastal Route

Explore the eastern coast of Bali, from Candidasa to Amed. This route features beautiful coastal scenery, traditional villages, and opportunities for snorkeling and diving.

Sustainable Tourism

Cycling is an excellent way to promote sustainable tourism in Bali. By choosing to cycle, you help reduce traffic congestion and pollution. Supporting local businesses and eco-friendly tours contributes to the preservation of Bali’s natural and cultural heritage.

Bali’s beauty unfolds uniquely on a bicycle. The island’s diverse landscapes, from the serene rice terraces of Ubud to the coastal paths of Sanur, offer endless opportunities for exploration. Whether you’re an experienced cyclist or a casual rider, renting a bicycle in Bali promises an unforgettable adventure. So, grab a bike, hit the road, and let Bali’s magic captivate you.

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