How to Get from Bali to Gili Trawangan

Hey there! Planning a trip to Gili Trawangan from Bali?

Awesome choice! The Gili Islands are like little pieces of paradise, and Gili Trawangan, or Gili T as everyone calls it, is the star of the show. It’s got stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and a laid-back vibe that’s hard to beat.

But how do you get there?

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Let’s chat about all the different ways to make this journey, so you can pick the one that suits you best.

Understanding the Route

First things first, let’s talk about the route. Bali and Gili Trawangan are separated by the Lombok Strait. It’s not a huge distance, but since Gili T is a tiny island, you’ll need to take a boat or a combination of a flight and a boat to get there. The journey can be part of the adventure, and there are a few different ways to do it.

Option 1: Fast Boat from Bali to Gili Trawangan

1. Why Choose the Fast Boat?

The fast boat is the most popular way to get from Bali to Gili T. It’s pretty straightforward and gets you there in a few hours. Plus, you get to enjoy the sea breeze and some fantastic views along the way.

2. Departure Points in Bali

There are a few different ports in Bali where you can catch a fast boat to Gili T:

  • Padang Bai: This is the most common departure point. It’s about an hour and a half drive from the popular tourist areas like Kuta and Seminyak.
  • Serangan: If you’re staying in the south of Bali, Serangan might be more convenient. It’s closer to areas like Nusa Dua and Sanur.
  • Amed: For those staying in the northeastern part of Bali, Amed is a good option. It’s a bit farther, but it’s a beautiful drive.

3. Booking Your Fast Boat

You can book your fast boat tickets online or at one of the many travel agencies in Bali. Some of the popular companies include:

  • Gili Getaway
  • BlueWater Express
  • Eka Jaya Fast Boat

4. The Journey

The fast boat ride takes about 2-3 hours, depending on the sea conditions and your departure point. Most boats have comfortable seating, and some even have refreshments on board. Just make sure to bring some motion sickness pills if you’re prone to seasickness.

5. Arriving at Gili T

When you arrive at Gili T, you’ll be greeted by the island’s beautiful beaches and clear blue waters. There are no cars or motorbikes on the island, so you’ll need to take a horse-drawn carriage (called a cidomo) or walk to your accommodation.

Option 2: Flight and Boat Combination

1. Why Choose This Option?

If you’re not a fan of long boat rides, you can take a short flight from Bali to Lombok and then a boat to Gili T. This option is a bit more expensive, but it’s quicker and might be more comfortable for some travelers.

2. Flights from Bali to Lombok

There are several airlines that operate flights from Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS) to Lombok International Airport (LOP). The flight takes about 30 minutes. Some of the airlines that offer this route are:

  • Garuda Indonesia
  • Lion Air
  • Wings Air

3. Getting from Lombok Airport to the Harbor

Once you land in Lombok, you’ll need to get to the harbor to catch a boat to Gili T. The two main harbors are:

  • Bangsal Harbor: This is the most common departure point for boats to the Gilis. It’s about a 1.5 to 2-hour drive from the airport.
  • Teluk Kodek and Teluk Nare: These are closer to the airport, about a 1 to 1.5-hour drive.

You can hire a taxi or arrange for a transfer service in advance. Some hotels on Gili T also offer pick-up services from the airport.

4. Boat to Gili T

From the harbor, you can take a public ferry or a private speedboat to Gili T. The public ferry is cheaper but slower, taking about 30-45 minutes. A private speedboat is faster and more convenient, taking around 10-15 minutes.

Option 3: Public Ferry and Local Boat

1. Why Choose This Option?

If you’re on a tight budget and don’t mind a longer journey, you can take the public ferry from Bali to Lombok and then a local boat to Gili T. This option is the most economical but also the most time-consuming.

2. Public Ferry from Padang Bai to Lembar

The public ferry departs from Padang Bai and arrives at Lembar Harbor in Lombok. The ferry ride takes about 4-6 hours. It’s a basic service, so don’t expect any frills, but it’s a great way to save money and experience local travel.

3. Getting from Lembar to Bangsal Harbor

Once you arrive at Lembar, you’ll need to travel to Bangsal Harbor to catch a boat to Gili T. This journey takes about 1.5 to 2 hours by taxi or bus. You can negotiate a price with a taxi driver or take a local bus if you’re up for an adventure.

4. Local Boat to Gili T

From Bangsal, you can take a local boat to Gili T. These boats are often crowded and can take about 30-45 minutes. It’s a budget-friendly way to reach the island, but it’s not the most comfortable.

Tips for a Smooth Journey

1. Plan Ahead

Whether you’re taking a fast boat or a flight, it’s a good idea to book your tickets in advance, especially during the high season (June to September and December to January). This ensures you get a spot and can plan your travel schedule more easily.

2. Pack Wisely

For the boat ride, pack a small bag with essentials like sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and a bottle of water. If you’re prone to seasickness, bring some motion sickness pills. For the flight, make sure you have your ID and any necessary travel documents.

3. Arrive Early

Boats and flights in Indonesia can sometimes run on “island time,” which means schedules can be flexible. Arriving early gives you some buffer time in case of any delays or changes.

4. Stay Safe

Keep an eye on your belongings, especially at busy harbors and airports. It’s also a good idea to have some local currency (Indonesian Rupiah) on hand for small expenses like snacks or tips.

5. Enjoy the Journey

Traveling from Bali to Gili T is part of the adventure. Take in the views, chat with fellow travelers, and enjoy the experience. Once you arrive on Gili T, you’ll see that the journey was totally worth it.

Getting from Bali to Gili Trawangan is a bit of a trek, but it’s all part of the fun. Whether you choose the fast boat, a flight and boat combo, or the budget-friendly public ferry and local boat, each option has its own charm. So pick the one that suits your style and budget, and get ready to enjoy all that Gili T has to offer. Safe travels, and have an amazing time on your island adventure!


1. How much does the fast boat cost?
The cost of a fast boat ticket can range from $30 to $50 USD, depending on the company and the season.

2. How long is the flight from Bali to Lombok?
The flight is about 30 minutes long.

3. Are there any direct flights to Gili Trawangan?
No, there are no direct flights to Gili T. You’ll need to fly to Lombok and then take a boat to the island.

4. Can I take a private boat to Gili T?
Yes, you can hire a private speedboat for a faster and more comfortable journey. It’s more expensive but convenient if you’re traveling with a group or want a direct route.

5. What should I pack for the trip?
Pack light and bring essentials like sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, a water bottle, motion sickness pills (if needed), and local currency.

Personal Experience

When I made the trip from Bali to Gili T, I chose the fast boat option. I booked my ticket online with Gili Getaway and departed from Padang Bai. The boat ride was smooth, and I loved feeling the sea breeze and watching the waves. Arriving at Gili T was like stepping into a dream – the crystal-clear water and the laid-back island vibe were just perfect.

On another trip, I decided to fly to Lombok and then take a boat to Gili T. The flight was quick, and the view from the plane was incredible. After landing in Lombok, I took a taxi to Bangsal Harbor and then hopped on a public boat. This route was a bit longer but gave me a chance to see more of Lombok, which was a nice bonus.

Both journeys had their own unique experiences, and I’d recommend trying both if you have the time. No matter how you get there, Gili T is definitely worth the trip!

I hope this helps! If you need more details or have any other questions, feel free to ask. Safe travels and enjoy your adventure to Gili Trawangan!

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