Tanah Lot Bali

Tanah Lot Temple: A Cultural Icon of Bali

When visiting Bali, one of the most captivating destinations to include in your itinerary is the iconic Tanah Lot Temple. Known for its stunning offshore setting and picturesque views, Tanah Lot Temple is not just a tourist attraction but a symbol of Balinese culture and spirituality. This article explores the rich history, unique features, and the best ways to experience this remarkable site.

Discovering Tanah Lot Temple: A Cultural Icon of Bali

Bali, the Island of the Gods, is a place where spirituality, nature, and culture harmoniously coexist. Amidst its lush landscapes and vibrant traditions lies one of its most treasured landmarks—Tanah Lot Temple. Perched on a rocky outcrop that juts into the Indian Ocean, Tanah Lot Temple is not only a breathtaking sight but also a profound symbol of Balinese heritage. This temple, steeped in history and legend, attracts visitors from around the world who come to witness its majestic beauty and experience its serene ambiance.

As you approach Tanah Lot, the first thing that strikes you is its dramatic setting. Surrounded by the powerful waves of the ocean, the temple appears almost ethereal, especially at high tide when it seems to float on the water. This iconic image is one of the most photographed and recognizable scenes in Bali, capturing the essence of the island’s mystical charm.

Beyond its visual appeal, Tanah Lot Temple is a significant religious site for the Balinese people. Built in the 16th century by the revered priest Dang Hyang Nirartha, the temple serves as a place of worship dedicated to the sea gods. Its name, meaning “Land in the Sea,” reflects its unique location and spiritual importance. The temple is part of a series of seven sea temples along Bali’s coast, each positioned within sight of the next, forming a protective chain against evil spirits.

Visiting Tanah Lot offers more than just a picturesque view. It provides a deep dive into the cultural and spiritual fabric of Bali. From participating in traditional blessing rituals to enjoying mesmerizing cultural performances, a trip to Tanah Lot is a journey through the island’s rich history and vibrant traditions. Whether you are seeking a spiritual connection, a cultural immersion, or simply a moment of tranquility, Tanah Lot Temple promises an unforgettable experience that embodies the soul of Bali.

The History and Significance of Tanah Lot Temple

Tanah Lot Temple, locally known as Pura Tanah Lot, is a revered sea temple that holds a significant place in Balinese mythology and religion. The temple is believed to have been established by the Javanese priest Dang Hyang Nirartha in the 16th century. According to legend, Nirartha saw the rock formation’s spiritual potential and instructed the local fishermen to build a shrine there, dedicated to the sea gods.

The name “Tanah Lot” translates to “Land in the Sea,” which aptly describes its unique location on a large offshore rock. The temple is one of seven sea temples around the Balinese coast, each established within eyesight of the next, forming a chain along the southwestern coast.

The Rich History of Tanah Lot Temple

Origins and Establishment

The origins of Tanah Lot Temple date back to the 16th century, during the golden age of the Majapahit Empire, which had a profound influence on the cultural and religious landscape of Indonesia, including Bali. The temple was established by Dang Hyang Nirartha, a revered Hindu priest from Java, who played a crucial role in spreading Hinduism across Bali.

Dang Hyang Nirartha’s Journey

According to historical accounts and Balinese legend, Dang Hyang Nirartha embarked on a spiritual journey from Java to Bali around 1489. During his travels, he reached the coastal area of Beraban in the Tabanan regency, where he discovered a beautiful rocky outcrop jutting into the sea. Recognizing its spiritual potential, he decided to rest and meditate there.

Nirartha’s presence and teachings deeply impacted the local fishermen, who were initially hesitant but soon became his devoted followers. He explained the significance of the location and its divine energy, suggesting that a shrine be built to honor the sea gods and protect the island from evil spirits.

Construction of the Temple

Inspired by Nirartha’s teachings, the local fishermen and villagers worked together to construct the shrine, which eventually became Tanah Lot Temple. The name “Tanah Lot” itself translates to “Land in the Sea,” aptly describing its unique location. Over time, the temple grew in prominence and became an essential site for the Balinese Hindu community.

Architectural Evolution

The architectural design of Tanah Lot Temple reflects traditional Balinese styles, characterized by intricate carvings, tiered shrines, and the use of natural materials. The temple is built on a large rock formation that has been shaped by centuries of tidal waves and erosion, giving it a distinctive and rugged appearance.

The temple complex consists of several smaller shrines and pavilions, each serving different ceremonial purposes. The main shrine, Pura Luhur Tanah Lot, is dedicated to Dewa Baruna, the sea god, and is the focal point of religious activities. The structure itself is relatively simple, emphasizing the natural beauty of its surroundings.

Spiritual Significance

Tanah Lot Temple holds deep spiritual significance for the Balinese people. It is one of the seven sea temples strategically positioned along Bali’s coastline, each within sight of the next, forming a protective chain against evil spirits and sea dangers. These temples, including Tanah Lot, serve as guardians of the island, providing spiritual fortification and blessings to the local communities.

The temple is also a site for various religious ceremonies and rituals. Melasti, a purification ritual, is often performed here to cleanse the body and soul from impurities. During these ceremonies, locals bring offerings and participate in prayers, creating a vibrant and spiritual atmosphere that reflects Bali’s rich cultural heritage.

Preservation and Modern-Day Importance

In recent years, Tanah Lot Temple has faced challenges due to natural erosion and the impact of tourism. Recognizing its cultural and historical value, the Indonesian government, along with local authorities, has undertaken extensive preservation efforts to protect and restore the temple. These initiatives include reinforcing the rock foundation and implementing sustainable tourism practices to ensure that Tanah Lot remains a revered and well-preserved landmark for future generations.

Today, Tanah Lot Temple is not only a significant religious site but also one of Bali’s most popular tourist attractions. It attracts thousands of visitors annually, who come to witness its stunning beauty, partake in its cultural rituals, and experience the spiritual essence of Bali. The temple’s enduring allure and historical depth make it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to understand the island’s rich heritage and vibrant traditions.

Architectural Marvel and Natural Beauty

Tanah Lot Temple’s architecture is a blend of natural and human-made beauty. The temple is perched on a rocky outcrop surrounded by the crashing waves of the Indian Ocean. At high tide, the temple appears as though it is floating on water, creating a magical and surreal experience for visitors. The rock on which the temple stands is shaped by the sea’s erosive forces, giving it a distinct and rugged appearance.

The temple complex includes several shrines and other structures, each with intricate carvings and traditional Balinese architectural elements. The main temple is accessible only during low tide, via a natural causeway that connects it to the mainland. Visitors can explore the surrounding area, which features lush gardens, souvenir shops, and restaurants offering local delicacies.

Best Time to Visit and What to Expect

Best Time to Visit and What to Expect

Best Time to Visit

Dry Season (April to October)

The ideal time to visit Tanah Lot Temple is during the dry season, which spans from April to October. This period offers the best weather conditions for exploring the temple and enjoying the coastal views. The days are typically sunny and dry, making it comfortable for walking and sightseeing.

  • April to June: These months are less crowded compared to the peak tourist season. The weather is pleasant, and the temple grounds are more serene, allowing for a more relaxed visit.
  • July to August: This is the peak tourist season in Bali, coinciding with the summer holidays. While the weather is perfect, the temple can get quite crowded. If you plan to visit during these months, it’s advisable to arrive early to avoid the large crowds.
  • September to October: As the peak season winds down, the crowds thin out, but the weather remains favorable. This is another excellent time to visit, offering a balance between good weather and fewer tourists.

Rainy Season (November to March)

While the rainy season from November to March can bring heavy rains and humid conditions, it also has its own charm. The landscape around the temple is lush and green, and the temple itself appears more mystical amidst the rain and mist. If you don’t mind the occasional downpour, this period can provide a quieter, more introspective experience.

What to Expect

Arrival and Entry

Upon arriving at Tanah Lot Temple, you will enter through a well-organized complex that includes parking areas, ticket booths, and visitor amenities. After paying the entrance fee, you can proceed to explore the temple grounds.

Temple Exploration

The temple complex is divided into several sections, each offering unique sights and experiences:

  • The Main Temple: Accessible only during low tide, the main temple, Pura Luhur Tanah Lot, sits majestically on a rock formation surrounded by the ocean. Visitors can walk across the natural causeway to get closer to the temple and appreciate its architectural details.
  • Holy Water Spring: At the base of the rock, a freshwater spring believed to have sacred properties flows. Visitors can receive a blessing from the temple priests using this holy water. The priests provide a ritualistic blessing that includes a sprinkle of water and the placement of rice grains on the forehead.
  • Smaller Shrines and Pavilions: Explore the various smaller shrines scattered around the main temple. These shrines are dedicated to different deities and are often used for smaller, more intimate ceremonies.
  • Gardens and Walkways: The temple complex features beautifully landscaped gardens and scenic walkways, offering stunning views of the coastline and the temple itself. These areas are perfect for leisurely strolls and capturing memorable photographs.

Cultural Performances

In the evenings, especially during peak tourist seasons, traditional Balinese dance performances, such as the Kecak dance, are held in the cultural area near the temple. These performances add a vibrant cultural dimension to your visit, showcasing Bali’s rich artistic heritage.

Sunrise and Sunset Views

One of the most magical experiences at Tanah Lot Temple is witnessing the sunrise or sunset. The temple’s location offers spectacular views as the sun rises or sets over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the ocean and the temple. The changing light creates dramatic and picturesque scenes, perfect for photography.

  • Sunrise: Early morning visits offer a tranquil atmosphere with fewer tourists. The soft morning light enhances the temple’s serene beauty.
  • Sunset: Sunset at Tanah Lot is a popular attraction, drawing large crowds. Arriving early ensures you get a good spot to witness the breathtaking view as the sun dips into the ocean.

Practical Tips for Visiting

  • Timing: To avoid the crowds and enjoy the best light for photography, plan your visit during early morning or late afternoon.
  • Tide Schedules: Check the tide schedules before your visit. Low tide allows you to access the main temple and the holy water spring, while high tide offers dramatic views of the temple surrounded by water.
  • Dress Code: As a place of worship, Tanah Lot Temple requires visitors to dress respectfully. Sarongs and sashes are available for rent at the entrance if needed.
  • Footwear: Wear comfortable shoes suitable for walking on uneven surfaces and potentially slippery rocks.
  • Hydration and Sun Protection: Bring water and wear sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to stay hydrated and protected from the sun.
  • Respect the Culture: Follow the guidelines and instructions provided by the temple staff. Refrain from climbing on the temple structures and be respectful during religious ceremonies and rituals.

Visiting Tanah Lot Temple promises a unique and enriching experience, blending natural beauty, cultural heritage, and spiritual ambiance. Whether you seek the perfect photograph, a moment of tranquility, or a deeper understanding of Balinese culture, Tanah Lot Temple is a must-visit destination in Bali.

Tips for a Memorable Visit

To make the most of your visit to Tanah Lot Temple, consider these tips:

  • Arrive Early: To avoid the crowds and secure a good spot for viewing the sunset, arrive early. The site can get quite busy, especially during peak tourist seasons.
  • Dress Appropriately: As a place of worship, it is important to dress respectfully. Sarongs and sashes are available for rent at the entrance if needed.
  • Stay Hydrated: The area can get quite hot, so bring water and wear sunscreen to stay comfortable during your visit.
  • Respect the Culture: Be mindful of the local customs and traditions. Avoid climbing on the temple structures and follow any instructions given by the temple staff.

Entrance Fees

Entrance Fees

Visiting Tanah Lot Temple requires the payment of an entrance fee, which contributes to the maintenance and preservation of this historic site. The fees are reasonably priced, making it accessible to a wide range of visitors. Here is a detailed breakdown of the current entrance fees:

Entrance Fees

  • Adults: IDR 60,000 (approximately USD 4)
  • Children: IDR 30,000 (approximately USD 2)

Please note that these prices are subject to change, so it’s always a good idea to verify the latest rates before your visit. Additionally, there might be special rates for groups, students, or during certain events or festivals.

What the Entrance Fee Includes

The entrance fee grants you access to the entire Tanah Lot Temple complex, which includes:

  • Main Temple: Access to the main temple area, especially during low tide when the causeway is accessible.
  • Holy Water Spring: Opportunity to receive a blessing from the holy water spring located at the base of the rock.
  • Cultural Performances: Depending on the time of your visit, you might be able to witness traditional Balinese dance performances without additional charges.
  • Scenic Viewpoints: Access to various scenic viewpoints and walkways around the temple complex.
  • Visitor Amenities: Use of public amenities such as restrooms and information centers within the temple grounds.

Additional Costs

While the entrance fee covers the basic access to the temple complex, there are a few additional costs you might incur:

  • Parking Fees: If you arrive by car or scooter, there is a small parking fee, usually around IDR 5,000 to IDR 10,000.
  • Sarong and Sash Rental: If you need to rent a sarong and sash to comply with the temple’s dress code, the rental fee is usually minimal, around IDR 10,000 to IDR 15,000.
  • Souvenirs and Food: There are numerous stalls and vendors selling souvenirs, snacks, and drinks within the temple complex. Prices vary depending on the items you purchase.

Payment Methods

The entrance fee is typically paid in cash at the ticket booths located at the entrance of the temple complex. It’s advisable to carry sufficient local currency (Indonesian Rupiah) as credit card facilities might not be available.

Tips for Visitors

  • Early Arrival: Arrive early to avoid long queues at the ticket booths, especially during peak tourist seasons.
  • Prepare Exact Change: Having the exact amount for the entrance fee can speed up the ticket purchasing process.
  • Check for Discounts: Occasionally, there might be discounts or promotional rates available, especially for groups or during certain times of the year.

Visiting Tanah Lot Temple is an enriching experience that offers a glimpse into Bali’s rich cultural and spiritual heritage. The entrance fee is a small price to pay for the opportunity to explore one of Bali’s most iconic and picturesque landmarks.

How to Get There

Tanah Lot Temple is located in the Beraban village of the Tabanan regency, approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Denpasar. The best way to reach Tanah Lot is by car or scooter, which can be rented from various places around Bali. Many tourists opt for private drivers or taxis for a more comfortable journey.

Guided Tours

For a deeper understanding of Tanah Lot Temple’s history and significance, consider joining a guided tour. Many local tour operators offer comprehensive packages that include transport, guided commentary, and sometimes even cultural performances. These tours often combine visits to other attractions, providing a richer experience.

Address & Google Map


Tanah Lot Temple is located in the village of Beraban, within the Tabanan Regency on the island of Bali, Indonesia. The full address is as follows:

Tanah Lot Temple
Jalan Raya Tanah Lot,
Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan,
Bali 82121,

Google Map

For your convenience, here is the Google Map link to Tanah Lot Temple:

View Tanah Lot Temple on Google Maps

This link will provide you with detailed directions, distance, and travel time from your current location. Using Google Maps, you can also find information about nearby attractions, restaurants, and hotels.


From Denpasar:

  • By Car/Scooter: Tanah Lot Temple is approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Denpasar. The journey takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour by car or scooter, depending on traffic.
  • By Taxi: Taxis are readily available in Denpasar. It’s recommended to use a reputable taxi service or a ride-hailing app like Grab for a comfortable and reliable trip.

From Kuta/Seminyak:

  • By Car/Scooter: The temple is about 15-20 kilometers from Kuta or Seminyak. The drive typically takes around 40 minutes to 1 hour.
  • By Taxi: Similar to Denpasar, taxis are a convenient option. Ensure to agree on the fare beforehand or use a metered taxi.

Public Transport:

  • Public transportation options to Tanah Lot Temple are limited. However, you can use local shuttle services or arrange for a private driver to take you directly to the temple.

Nearby Landmarks for Reference

When navigating to Tanah Lot Temple, you can use the following nearby landmarks as reference points:

  • Nirwana Bali Golf Club: A popular golf course located near the temple.
  • Batu Bolong Temple: Another sea temple located a short distance from Tanah Lot.
  • Beraban Village: The local village surrounding the temple area.

Parking and Accessibility

The temple complex includes ample parking facilities for cars and scooters. The parking area is located a short walk from the temple entrance, making it easy for visitors to access the site.

Tips for Navigation

  • Use GPS Navigation: Ensure your mobile device has GPS capabilities and data access to use Google Maps for real-time navigation.
  • Local Signage: Follow the local road signs directing you to Tanah Lot Temple. The temple is a well-known landmark, and there are plenty of signs along the way.
  • Ask for Directions: If you are unsure about the directions, don’t hesitate to ask locals. Balinese people are generally friendly and willing to help tourists find their way.

Visiting Tanah Lot Temple is a seamless experience with the help of modern navigation tools and clear local signage. The journey itself offers scenic views of Bali’s countryside, adding to the overall charm of your trip to this iconic destination.

What To Expect

When you visit Tanah Lot Temple, you can expect to be mesmerized by its breathtaking scenery and cultural richness. Highlights of your visit include:

  • The Temple: Explore the main temple and its surrounding shrines, especially during low tide when the causeway is accessible.
  • Holy Water Spring: Receive a blessing from the temple priests at the freshwater spring located at the base of the rock.
  • Cultural Performances: Enjoy traditional Balinese dances, like the Kecak dance, often performed in the evenings.

Opening Hours

Tanah Lot Temple is open daily from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. However, the best times to visit are during sunrise and sunset, when the temple’s beauty is enhanced by the natural light.

Best Time To Visit

The ideal time to visit Tanah Lot Temple is during the dry season, from April to October. This period offers the best weather for exploring the temple and enjoying the coastal views. Sunrise and sunset visits are particularly recommended for their spectacular lighting and fewer crowds.

Nearby Hotels

Nearby Hotels

Staying near Tanah Lot Temple provides a unique opportunity to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of this iconic site, especially if you want to witness the stunning sunrise or sunset views. Here are some of the best hotels and accommodations near Tanah Lot Temple:

1. Pan Pacific Nirwana Bali Resort

Located within close proximity to Tanah Lot Temple, the Pan Pacific Nirwana Bali Resort offers luxurious accommodations with stunning views of the temple and the Indian Ocean. This resort features beautifully landscaped gardens, an 18-hole golf course designed by Greg Norman, multiple swimming pools, and a variety of dining options.


  • Ocean-view rooms and suites
  • Golf course
  • Multiple swimming pools
  • Spa and wellness center
  • Several restaurants and bars

Address: Jalan Raya Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

2. Natya Hotel Tanah Lot

Natya Hotel Tanah Lot is a budget-friendly option located just a short walk from Tanah Lot Temple. The hotel offers comfortable rooms with modern amenities, an outdoor pool, and an on-site restaurant serving Indonesian and international cuisine.


  • Comfortable rooms with modern amenities
  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • On-site restaurant
  • Complimentary breakfast
  • Free Wi-Fi

Address: Jalan Kawasan Wisata Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82171, Indonesia

3. D’sawah Villa

D’sawah Villa offers a peaceful retreat amidst rice fields and natural surroundings, a short drive from Tanah Lot Temple. The villa features spacious rooms with traditional Balinese decor, an outdoor pool, and a restaurant serving local and international dishes.


  • Spacious rooms with traditional Balinese decor
  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • Restaurant serving local and international cuisine
  • Beautiful views of rice fields
  • Free Wi-Fi

Address: Jalan Pantai Kedungu, Belalang, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82115, Indonesia

4. De Moksha Eco Friendly Boutique Resort

De Moksha Eco Friendly Boutique Resort is an eco-conscious accommodation option located near Tanah Lot Temple. The resort offers luxurious villas with private pools, an organic garden, and a focus on sustainability. Guests can enjoy yoga classes, a spa, and an on-site restaurant.


  • Eco-friendly villas with private pools
  • Yoga classes
  • Spa and wellness center
  • Organic garden
  • On-site restaurant serving healthy and organic meals

Address: Jalan Benuo, Banjar Kebilbil, Belalang, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

5. WakaGangga

WakaGangga is a luxury resort located a short drive from Tanah Lot Temple, offering beachfront villas with private pools and stunning ocean views. The resort features a spa, an infinity pool, and a restaurant serving gourmet cuisine.


  • Beachfront villas with private pools
  • Infinity pool
  • Spa and wellness center
  • Restaurant serving gourmet cuisine
  • Beautiful ocean views

Address: Jalan Pantai Yeh Gangga, Sudimara, Tabanan, Bali 80361, Indonesia

6. The Ocean View Luxury Villa

The Ocean View Luxury Villa offers a private and luxurious stay with breathtaking views of the ocean and Tanah Lot Temple. The villa features modern amenities, an infinity pool, and personalized services to ensure a memorable stay.


  • Private villas with ocean views
  • Infinity pool
  • Personalized services
  • Modern amenities
  • Close proximity to Tanah Lot Temple

Address: Jalan Pantai Nyanyi, Banjar Pasti, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

7. Villa Ayo

Villa Ayo is a charming accommodation option that blends traditional Balinese architecture with modern comforts. Located a short drive from Tanah Lot Temple, the villa offers private pools, lush gardens, and a serene atmosphere.


  • Private villas with traditional Balinese architecture
  • Private pools
  • Lush gardens
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Free Wi-Fi

Address: Jalan Pantai Nyanyi, Banjar Pasti, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

Tips for Choosing Accommodation

  • Proximity: Choose a hotel close to Tanah Lot Temple to make it easy to visit the temple during sunrise or sunset.
  • Amenities: Consider the amenities that are important to you, such as swimming pools, on-site restaurants, spa services, and free Wi-Fi.
  • Budget: There are options available for different budgets, from luxury resorts to budget-friendly hotels. Choose an accommodation that fits your budget while offering the desired level of comfort.
  • Reviews: Read reviews from other travelers to get an idea of the quality of service and the overall experience at the hotel.

Staying near Tanah Lot Temple allows you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty and culture of this iconic site, making your visit to Bali even more memorable.

Nearby Restaurants

Nearby Restaurants

Exploring the culinary delights near Tanah Lot Temple can be a delightful addition to your visit. The area around the temple offers a variety of dining options, from traditional Balinese cuisine to international fare. Here are some of the best restaurants near Tanah Lot Temple:

1. Gloria Jeans Tanah Lot

Gloria Jeans is a popular spot for tourists visiting Tanah Lot Temple. It offers a variety of coffee drinks, light snacks, and meals. The café provides a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere with a view of the temple and the ocean.

Cuisine: Coffee, Snacks, Light Meals
Specialties: Coffee, Sandwiches, Pastries
Address: Jalan Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

2. Melasti Tanah Lot Restaurant

Located within the temple complex, Melasti Tanah Lot Restaurant offers stunning views of the temple and the ocean, making it an ideal spot to enjoy a meal while taking in the scenery. The restaurant serves a mix of Indonesian and Western dishes.

Cuisine: Indonesian, Western
Specialties: Seafood, Grilled Meats, Traditional Indonesian Dishes
Address: Jalan Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

3. Warung Mandala Tanah Lot

Warung Mandala offers authentic Balinese and Indonesian cuisine in a cozy and casual setting. The restaurant is known for its friendly service and delicious local dishes, making it a favorite among visitors looking for a traditional dining experience.

Cuisine: Balinese, Indonesian
Specialties: Nasi Goreng, Satay, Gado-Gado
Address: Jalan Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

4. Kedai Nyoman

Kedai Nyoman is a family-run restaurant that provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The restaurant serves a variety of Indonesian dishes, with an emphasis on fresh and locally sourced ingredients. It’s a great place to enjoy a hearty meal after exploring the temple.

Cuisine: Indonesian
Specialties: Bebek Betutu, Ayam Betutu, Seafood
Address: Jalan Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

5. Natya Restaurant Tanah Lot

Located within the Natya Hotel Tanah Lot, this restaurant offers a pleasant dining experience with a menu that features both Indonesian and international dishes. The restaurant is set in a serene environment, perfect for a relaxed meal.

Cuisine: Indonesian, International
Specialties: Balinese Chicken, Seafood Pasta, Mixed Grill
Address: Jalan Kawasan Wisata Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82171, Indonesia

6. Warung Subak Pekendungan

Warung Subak Pekendungan offers a unique dining experience with its location next to rice fields and close to Tanah Lot Temple. The restaurant serves traditional Balinese dishes and fresh seafood, providing a taste of local flavors in a picturesque setting.

Cuisine: Balinese, Seafood
Specialties: Pepes Ikan, Balinese Fish Soup, Grilled Seafood
Address: Jalan Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

7. Warung D’Sawah

Warung D’Sawah is another excellent option for enjoying local cuisine. The restaurant is set amidst rice fields, offering a tranquil dining environment. It is known for its delicious Balinese dishes and friendly service.

Cuisine: Balinese, Indonesian
Specialties: Nasi Campur, Ayam Penyet, Grilled Fish
Address: Jalan Pantai Kedungu, Belalang, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82115, Indonesia

8. De Jukung Resto & Bar

De Jukung Resto & Bar is located a bit further from Tanah Lot Temple but offers a fantastic dining experience with ocean views. The restaurant serves a variety of seafood dishes, along with Indonesian and international cuisine.

Cuisine: Seafood, Indonesian, International
Specialties: Seafood Platter, Grilled Fish, Indonesian Curry
Address: Pantai Yeh Gangga, Sudimara, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

Tips for Dining Near Tanah Lot Temple

  • Sunset Views: Many restaurants near Tanah Lot offer stunning views of the temple and the ocean. Arrive early to secure a good spot for watching the sunset while enjoying your meal.
  • Local Cuisine: Don’t miss the opportunity to try traditional Balinese and Indonesian dishes. Many warungs (local eateries) offer authentic flavors at reasonable prices.
  • Fresh Seafood: The coastal location means fresh seafood is readily available. Be sure to try some of the local seafood specialties.
  • Reservations: During peak tourist seasons, it’s advisable to make reservations, especially for popular restaurants with sunset views.
  • Cash and Cards: While most restaurants accept credit cards, it’s always a good idea to carry some cash, especially when dining at smaller warungs.

Dining near Tanah Lot Temple enhances the overall experience of visiting this iconic site, allowing you to savor the local flavors while enjoying the beautiful surroundings.

Cafes and Light Snacks

If you’re looking for a quick bite or a relaxing place to enjoy a cup of coffee near Tanah Lot Temple, there are several charming cafes and snack spots to choose from. These places offer a variety of light meals, snacks, and beverages, perfect for a leisurely break during your visit.

1. Gloria Jean’s Coffees Tanah Lot

Gloria Jean’s is a well-known international coffee chain that offers a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. It’s a great spot for enjoying a variety of coffee drinks, teas, and light snacks. The café provides a view of Tanah Lot Temple, making it a perfect place to unwind.

Menu Highlights:

  • Coffee and espresso drinks
  • Teas and iced beverages
  • Pastries and cakes
  • Sandwiches and salads

Address: Jalan Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

2. Tanah Lot Coffee Shop

Located within the temple complex, Tanah Lot Coffee Shop offers a variety of coffee drinks and light snacks. It’s a convenient stop for a quick refreshment after exploring the temple grounds.

Menu Highlights:

  • Coffee and tea
  • Fresh fruit juices
  • Sandwiches and wraps
  • Pastries and cakes

Address: Jalan Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

3. Café Selancar

Café Selancar is a cozy café located near the entrance of Tanah Lot Temple. It offers a selection of coffee, smoothies, and light meals. The relaxed atmosphere and friendly service make it a favorite among visitors.

Menu Highlights:

  • Coffee and espresso drinks
  • Smoothies and fresh juices
  • Light meals such as sandwiches and salads
  • Desserts and ice cream

Address: Jalan Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

4. Warung Disini

Warung Disini is a small, charming café that serves a variety of light snacks and beverages. It’s a great place to enjoy a casual meal or snack in a relaxed setting.

Menu Highlights:

  • Indonesian snacks such as pisang goreng (fried bananas) and tahu goreng (fried tofu)
  • Coffee and tea
  • Fresh fruit juices
  • Light meals such as nasi goreng (fried rice) and mie goreng (fried noodles)

Address: Jalan Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

5. The Coffee Shop at Nirwana Bali Resort

Located within the Pan Pacific Nirwana Bali Resort, this coffee shop offers a sophisticated setting with a variety of coffee drinks, teas, and light snacks. It’s an ideal spot for a relaxing break with views of the resort’s beautiful grounds.

Menu Highlights:

  • Specialty coffee drinks
  • Gourmet teas
  • Pastries and cakes
  • Light sandwiches and salads

Address: Jalan Raya Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

6. Bali Strawberry Farm & Restaurant

A short drive from Tanah Lot, Bali Strawberry Farm & Restaurant offers a unique experience where you can enjoy fresh strawberries and a variety of strawberry-based snacks and beverages. It’s a fun and family-friendly spot.

Menu Highlights:

  • Fresh strawberries and strawberry desserts
  • Strawberry smoothies and juices
  • Light meals such as sandwiches and salads
  • Coffee and tea

Address: Jalan Raya Baturiti, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali 82191, Indonesia

Tips for Enjoying Cafes and Light Snacks Near Tanah Lot

  • Timing: Plan your café visits during mid-morning or mid-afternoon when the temple area is less crowded, allowing for a more relaxed experience.
  • Local Flavors: Try local Balinese snacks and beverages to enhance your cultural experience. Traditional Balinese coffee and fresh tropical juices are must-tries.
  • Views: Choose cafes with good views of Tanah Lot Temple or the ocean to make the most of your break. Sunset views from these cafes can be particularly spectacular.
  • Wi-Fi Access: Many cafes offer free Wi-Fi, making them convenient spots to relax, catch up on emails, or share your travel experiences online.

Taking a break at one of these cafes allows you to recharge and savor the flavors of Bali while enjoying the stunning surroundings of Tanah Lot Temple.

Nearby Attractions

Nearby Attractions

Exploring the area around Tanah Lot Temple offers a variety of attractions that showcase the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and vibrant local life of Bali. Here are some of the top nearby attractions to visit:

1. Batu Bolong Temple

Located just a short walk from Tanah Lot Temple, Batu Bolong Temple is another sea temple perched on a rock formation. The temple is connected to the mainland by a natural rock bridge and offers stunning views of the ocean and sunsets.


  • Scenic ocean views
  • Natural rock bridge
  • Sunset photography opportunities

Address: Jalan Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

2. Taman Ayun Temple

Taman Ayun Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located about 30 minutes from Tanah Lot. This royal temple complex features beautiful gardens, expansive courtyards, and traditional Balinese architecture. It is surrounded by a large moat, giving it a serene and picturesque setting.


  • Beautiful gardens and lotus ponds
  • Traditional Balinese architecture
  • Cultural and historical significance

Address: Jalan Ayodya No.10, Mengwi, Badung, Bali 80351, Indonesia

3. Jatiluwih Rice Terraces

A 45-minute drive from Tanah Lot, the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces are a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for their stunning and extensive rice terraces. The area offers breathtaking views, hiking opportunities, and a glimpse into traditional Balinese agricultural practices.


  • Spectacular rice terraces
  • Hiking trails
  • Traditional Balinese farming

Address: Jatiluwih, Penebel, Tabanan, Bali 82152, Indonesia

4. Bali Butterfly Park

The Bali Butterfly Park is located about 20 minutes from Tanah Lot Temple. It is one of the largest butterfly parks in Southeast Asia and offers a unique opportunity to see a variety of butterfly species, along with other insects and reptiles.


  • Variety of butterfly species
  • Educational exhibits on butterflies and insects
  • Beautiful garden setting

Address: Jalan Batukaru, Sandan Lebah, Wanasari, Tabanan, Bali 82161, Indonesia

5. Nirwana Bali Golf Club

Adjacent to Tanah Lot Temple, Nirwana Bali Golf Club offers a world-class golfing experience with stunning views of the Indian Ocean and the temple. The course, designed by Greg Norman, features challenging holes and beautifully landscaped grounds.


  • 18-hole golf course
  • Ocean and temple views
  • Clubhouse and dining facilities

Address: Jalan Raya Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82121, Indonesia

6. Seseh Beach

Seseh Beach is a quiet and less crowded beach located a short drive from Tanah Lot. It offers a peaceful atmosphere, black sand beaches, and opportunities for beach walks and relaxation. It’s a great spot for those looking to escape the more touristy areas.


  • Peaceful and less crowded
  • Black sand beach
  • Beach walks and relaxation

Address: Seseh, Munggu, Mengwi, Badung, Bali 80351, Indonesia

7. Kedungu Beach

Kedungu Beach is another nearby beach known for its surf breaks and beautiful sunsets. It’s a popular spot for surfers and those looking to enjoy a more laid-back beach experience. The beach is surrounded by lush greenery and rice fields.


  • Surfing opportunities
  • Beautiful sunsets
  • Laid-back atmosphere

Address: Jalan Pantai Kedungu, Belalang, Kediri, Tabanan, Bali 82115, Indonesia

8. Pura Luhur Batukaru

Pura Luhur Batukaru is a sacred mountain temple located about an hour’s drive from Tanah Lot. Nestled in the lush forests of Mount Batukaru, the temple is an important pilgrimage site and offers a tranquil and spiritual experience.


  • Sacred mountain temple
  • Lush forest setting
  • Spiritual and tranquil atmosphere

Address: Wangaya Gede, Penebel, Tabanan, Bali 82152, Indonesia

Tips for Visiting Nearby Attractions

  • Transportation: Renting a scooter or hiring a private driver are convenient options for exploring these attractions, as public transportation may be limited.
  • Timing: Plan your visits to popular attractions early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds and enjoy cooler temperatures.
  • Dress Code: When visiting temples, dress modestly by covering your shoulders and knees. A sarong and sash are often required and can usually be rented at the entrance.
  • Local Guides: Consider hiring a local guide for a more in-depth understanding of the cultural and historical significance of each site.
  • Respect Nature: When visiting natural attractions such as beaches and rice terraces, be mindful of your impact on the environment and follow local guidelines.

Exploring the attractions near Tanah Lot Temple allows you to experience the diverse beauty and rich culture of Bali, making your visit to this iconic area even more memorable.

Additional Sea Temples

Bali is renowned for its numerous sea temples, which are significant not only for their religious importance but also for their breathtaking locations along the island’s coastline. Besides Tanah Lot, here are some other notable sea temples you might consider visiting:

1. Uluwatu Temple (Pura Luhur Uluwatu)

Perched on a steep cliff approximately 70 meters above the Indian Ocean, Uluwatu Temple is one of Bali’s most spectacular sea temples. The temple is dedicated to Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa in his manifestation as Rudra and is renowned for its stunning ocean views, dramatic sunsets, and traditional Kecak dance performances held at sunset.


  • Cliffside location with panoramic ocean views
  • Traditional Kecak dance performances
  • Spectacular sunsets
  • Resident monkeys

Address: Pecatu, South Kuta, Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia

2. Pura Mas Suka

Located in the tranquil village of Bugbug, Pura Mas Suka is another beautiful sea temple in Bali. This less-visited temple offers a serene and peaceful atmosphere with views overlooking the ocean. It is particularly known for its scenic beauty and cultural significance.


  • Tranquil setting with ocean views
  • Serene and peaceful atmosphere
  • Cultural and historical importance

Address: Bugbug, Karangasem, Bali, Indonesia

3. Pura Rambut Siwi

Pura Rambut Siwi is a revered sea temple located in the western part of Bali. The temple is situated on a cliff overlooking the ocean and is one of the largest and most important temples on the island. It is dedicated to the Hindu priest Danghyang Nirartha, and it is believed to house a lock of his hair.


  • Cliffside location with ocean views
  • Large temple complex
  • Historical significance and religious importance
  • Peaceful surroundings

Address: Yeh Embang Kangin, Mendoyo, Jembrana, Bali 82251, Indonesia

4. Pura Pulaki

Pura Pulaki is a majestic sea temple located on the northwest coast of Bali, near the town of Pemuteran. The temple is built on a rocky hill facing the ocean and is known for its dramatic setting and resident monkeys. It is dedicated to the Hindu deity Ganesha and is an important site for local worshippers.


  • Rocky hill location with ocean views
  • Resident monkeys
  • Significant Hindu site dedicated to Ganesha
  • Proximity to the diving sites of Pemuteran

Address: Jalan Raya Gilimanuk, Singaraja, Banyupoh, Gerokgak, Buleleng, Bali 81155, Indonesia

5. Pura Sakenan

Pura Sakenan is located on Serangan Island, just off the coast of Denpasar. The temple is part of a larger complex and is dedicated to the goddess of the sea, Dewi Danu. Pura Sakenan holds special ceremonies during the Balinese festival of Kuningan and is a significant religious site for the local community.


  • Coastal location on Serangan Island
  • Dedicated to Dewi Danu, goddess of the sea
  • Important site for Kuningan festival ceremonies
  • Cultural and historical importance

Address: Serangan Island, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Tips for Visiting Sea Temples

  • Respectful Dress: Wear appropriate clothing when visiting temples. This typically means covering your shoulders and knees. Many temples provide sarongs and sashes at the entrance.
  • Local Etiquette: Be respectful of the local customs and practices. Always follow the rules and guidelines provided at the temple.
  • Safety: Some sea temples are located on cliffs or rocky areas. Be cautious and mindful of your surroundings, especially during high tide or windy conditions.
  • Photography: While photography is generally allowed, be respectful and avoid taking photos of people who are praying or during religious ceremonies.
  • Offerings: If you wish to participate in making offerings, you can purchase small baskets of flowers and incense from local vendors. Place them respectfully in the designated areas.

Visiting these sea temples provides a deeper understanding of Bali’s rich cultural heritage and allows you to experience some of the island’s most stunning coastal landscapes.

Recreational Activities

The area surrounding Tanah Lot Temple offers a variety of recreational activities that cater to diverse interests, from adventure and sports to relaxation and cultural experiences. Here are some of the top recreational activities you can enjoy near Tanah Lot:

1. Surfing at Kedungu Beach

Kedungu Beach, located just a short drive from Tanah Lot Temple, is a popular spot for surfing. The beach offers consistent waves suitable for both beginners and experienced surfers. Surfing lessons and board rentals are available for those looking to catch some waves.


  • Consistent surf breaks
  • Surfing lessons and board rentals
  • Laid-back beach atmosphere

2. Golfing at Nirwana Bali Golf Club

Adjacent to Tanah Lot Temple, the Nirwana Bali Golf Club offers a world-class golfing experience. Designed by Greg Norman, this 18-hole golf course features stunning views of the Indian Ocean, rice paddies, and Tanah Lot Temple. The course is known for its challenging layout and beautiful landscaping.


  • 18-hole championship golf course
  • Ocean and temple views
  • Clubhouse with dining facilities

3. Cycling Tours

Exploring the scenic landscapes around Tanah Lot by bicycle is a great way to experience the area. Several tour operators offer guided cycling tours that take you through rice fields, traditional villages, and coastal paths. These tours provide a unique perspective on Balinese culture and natural beauty.


  • Scenic cycling routes
  • Guided tours through rice fields and villages
  • Opportunities to interact with locals

4. Horseback Riding

Horseback riding along the beaches and through the countryside near Tanah Lot is a memorable experience. Several stables offer guided horseback riding tours that cater to riders of all skill levels. This activity allows you to enjoy the natural beauty of Bali from a different perspective.


  • Beach and countryside rides
  • Suitable for all skill levels
  • Guided tours

5. Balinese Cooking Classes

For a cultural and culinary experience, consider taking a Balinese cooking class. Several venues near Tanah Lot offer cooking classes where you can learn to prepare traditional Balinese dishes using fresh, local ingredients. These classes often include a visit to a local market to source ingredients.


  • Hands-on cooking experience
  • Learn traditional Balinese recipes
  • Market visits

6. Spa and Wellness Treatments

Relax and rejuvenate with a spa and wellness treatment at one of the many resorts and spas near Tanah Lot. These facilities offer a range of treatments, including traditional Balinese massages, aromatherapy, and beauty treatments. Enjoying a spa session with a view of the ocean can be particularly soothing.


  • Traditional Balinese massages
  • Aromatherapy and beauty treatments
  • Ocean-view spa facilities

7. Yoga and Meditation

Several resorts and yoga studios near Tanah Lot offer yoga and meditation classes. These sessions are designed to help you relax and connect with the serene surroundings. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, you can find classes that suit your level and preferences.


  • Yoga and meditation classes
  • Experienced instructors
  • Serene and peaceful settings

8. Sunset Viewing

One of the most popular activities near Tanah Lot is simply watching the sunset. The temple’s location on the west coast makes it an ideal spot for stunning sunset views. Many visitors gather around the temple and nearby beaches in the late afternoon to witness the spectacular colors of the sky as the sun sets over the Indian Ocean.


  • Spectacular sunset views
  • Photography opportunities
  • Relaxing beach atmosphere

Tips for Enjoying Recreational Activities

  • Advance Booking: Some activities, such as golf and cooking classes, may require advance booking, especially during peak tourist seasons.
  • Local Guides: Hiring local guides for activities like cycling tours and cooking classes can enhance your experience by providing deeper insights into Balinese culture and traditions.
  • Safety: Ensure that you follow all safety guidelines and instructions provided by activity organizers, especially for activities like surfing and horseback riding.
  • Weather Considerations: Check the weather forecast before planning outdoor activities. Some activities may be best enjoyed during dry and sunny conditions.
  • Respect Local Customs: When participating in cultural activities, be respectful of local customs and traditions. This will enrich your experience and show appreciation for Balinese culture.

Engaging in these recreational activities around Tanah Lot Temple allows you to enjoy the natural beauty, cultural richness, and adventurous spirit of Bali, making your visit truly unforgettable.

Other Cultural Sites

  • Pura Luhur Batukaru: A mountain temple located further inland, offering a peaceful and serene experience.

Travel Tips

To enhance your visit to Tanah Lot Temple, consider these helpful tips:

  • Arrive Early: Beat the crowds by visiting early in the morning or later in the afternoon.
  • Dress Respectfully: Wear modest clothing, and use a sarong and sash, which are available for rent at the entrance.
  • Check the Tides: Visit during low tide to access the temple and spring.
  • Stay Hydrated: Bring water and sunscreen to stay comfortable during your visit.
  • Respect the Culture: Be mindful of the local customs and traditions. Avoid climbing on the temple structures and follow any instructions given by the temple staff.

Photography Opportunities

Tanah Lot Temple and its surrounding areas offer a plethora of stunning photography opportunities, from dramatic landscapes and cultural scenes to vibrant local life. Here are some of the best spots and tips for capturing unforgettable photos:

1. Tanah Lot Temple at Sunset

One of the most iconic photography opportunities in Bali is capturing Tanah Lot Temple at sunset. The temple, perched on a rocky outcrop surrounded by the sea, provides a dramatic silhouette against the vibrant colors of the setting sun.


  • Arrive early to secure a good spot, as this is a popular location.
  • Use a tripod for steady shots during low light conditions.
  • Experiment with different angles, including wide shots and close-ups, to capture the temple’s details and its surroundings.

2. Low Tide Reflections

During low tide, the receding waters create reflective pools around the base of Tanah Lot Temple. These reflections can add a unique element to your photos, making the temple appear as if it’s floating on water.


  • Check the tide schedule to plan your visit during low tide.
  • Position yourself to capture the temple’s reflection in the water for a mirrored effect.
  • Use a polarizing filter to reduce glare and enhance colors.

3. Batu Bolong Temple

Located near Tanah Lot, Batu Bolong Temple is another fantastic spot for photography. The natural rock bridge connecting the temple to the mainland offers a striking composition, especially during sunset.


  • Capture the rock bridge with the temple in the background for a dramatic shot.
  • Try different perspectives, including low-angle shots from the beach and higher vantage points from the cliffs.

4. Rice Terraces

The Jatiluwih Rice Terraces, a short drive from Tanah Lot, provide breathtaking photography opportunities. The lush, green terraces are beautifully contoured and offer a glimpse into traditional Balinese agriculture.


  • Visit during the early morning or late afternoon for the best light.
  • Use a wide-angle lens to capture the expansive views of the terraces.
  • Include local farmers in your shots to add a human element and tell a story.

5. Local Markets

Exploring the local markets around Tanah Lot offers vibrant and colorful photography opportunities. The bustling markets are filled with fresh produce, local crafts, and lively interactions.


  • Use a fast lens to capture candid moments in low light conditions.
  • Focus on the details, such as the vibrant fruits and vegetables, handcrafted goods, and the expressions of local vendors.
  • Be respectful and ask for permission when photographing people.

6. Beach and Ocean Views

The beaches around Tanah Lot, including Kedungu and Seseh, offer stunning ocean views and serene landscapes. These locations are perfect for capturing the natural beauty of Bali’s coastline.


  • Visit during golden hour (early morning or late afternoon) for the best lighting conditions.
  • Use a slow shutter speed to capture smooth, silky water effects in your ocean shots.
  • Include foreground elements, such as rocks or driftwood, to add depth and interest to your compositions.

7. Traditional Ceremonies

If you’re lucky enough to witness a traditional Balinese ceremony near Tanah Lot, you’ll have a fantastic opportunity to capture the island’s rich cultural heritage. These ceremonies are often vibrant and filled with intricate details.


  • Be respectful and unobtrusive when photographing ceremonies.
  • Focus on the colorful attire, offerings, and rituals to capture the essence of the event.
  • Use a telephoto lens to capture close-up details without disturbing the participants.

8. Wildlife and Nature

The area around Tanah Lot is home to various wildlife, including monkeys, birds, and marine life. Capturing these natural elements can add diversity to your photo collection.


  • Use a zoom lens to photograph wildlife from a safe distance.
  • Be patient and observant to catch animals in natural, candid moments.
  • Respect the natural environment and avoid disturbing the wildlife.

9. Cultural Performances

Traditional Balinese dance performances, such as the Kecak dance at Uluwatu Temple, provide dynamic and colorful photography opportunities. These performances are rich in cultural significance and visual spectacle.


  • Use a fast lens to capture sharp images in low light.
  • Focus on the dancers’ expressions and movements to convey the emotion of the performance.
  • Capture wide shots of the entire stage as well as close-ups of individual dancers.

General Photography Tips for Tanah Lot and Surroundings

  • Best Times to Shoot: Early morning and late afternoon offer the best natural light, with softer shadows and warmer tones.
  • Equipment: Bring a range of lenses, from wide-angle for landscapes to telephoto for distant details and wildlife.
  • Filters: Use polarizing filters to enhance skies and reduce reflections, and ND filters for long exposures.
  • Weather: Check the weather forecast and be prepared for sudden changes. A rain cover for your camera can be useful.
  • Respect: Always be respectful of local customs and traditions, especially when photographing religious sites and ceremonies.

By taking advantage of these photography opportunities, you can capture the essence of Tanah Lot and its surroundings, creating memorable images that reflect the beauty and culture of Bali.

Scenic Views

  • Sunrise and Sunset: Capture the temple against the backdrop of the rising or setting sun.
  • High Tide: Take photos of the temple surrounded by water for a dramatic effect.

Cultural Moments

  • Cultural Performances: Photograph traditional Balinese dances in the temple’s cultural area.
  • Blessing Rituals: Document the unique blessing ceremonies with the holy water spring.

Tanah Lot Temple is more than just a tourist attraction; it is a place where nature, spirituality, and culture converge. Its dramatic setting, historical significance, and cultural richness make it a must-visit destination in Bali. Whether you are seeking a spiritual experience, an opportunity to capture stunning photographs, or a glimpse into Balinese culture, Tanah Lot Temple offers an unforgettable experience. Make sure to include this iconic site in your Bali travel itinerary for a truly enriching adventure.

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